
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven’t updated here in a while but I have some unfortunate news for everyone. My entire PC got wiped so I have no backups of the game, meaning it’s lost forever. I apologise but this is the end of this game. At least it was fun while it lasted.

Get Danganronpa Gassy Adventure


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Hey man, sorry to hear about your PC. I'm making a Danganronpa fart fetish VN with a similar premise, mainly because I really liked this VN and don't want to see it all gone.

Sorry it took me this long to get back to you! PC got even worse to the point where I couldn’t even access it :( Fortunately my PC has been repaired and I might try to remake the game since now I have a much better understanding of the engine! Also glad to hear that people are making more Danganronpa fart fetish games since It’s heavily underrated imo! Hope production goes well for you! <3